Hawaiian Fiesta
Talk about the last event few weeks before the finale exam. We are booth of FOOD and I'm the one who voice out to run through with foods because I know everyone needs food everyday so that's the way to earn some profit since there is no sponsor lol. This is the worst event that we've made because we did not do any promotion to pull out the crowd so we have to enjoy ourselves and some little friends joined us that morning. Thank you.
We said that we must be very enjoyable on that day because it is the last event we made together, we dress exactly with theme of Hawaii.
Joe, Chloe, Renee & MayYen.
Seldom wear so flowerful lol.
Last but not least, photo session :Even we cannot meet everyday from today but we've promise at least meet each other once a month. There is how we usually says but end up... Hope we will meet shortly coz last time during Internship, we really met after Internship of the duration 3 months plus. That's why... Okay, I can't wait for our Penang Trip.
Kay thanks byebyeeeee...
突然好想你 你會在哪裏 過的快樂或委屈